ARTEMÍDIAMUSEU: a collection of digital arts for a Brazilian museum
digital arts, collection, museum, curatorial practices, online exhibitionsAbstract
In this article, the project "ARTEMÍDIAMUSEU," conceived by the Research Group Academia de Curadoria, is analyzed as a response to the need for an online structure for exhibitions, curatorial-pedagogical activities, and audience communication, aiming to promote and discuss digital arts. The project's goal was to fill existing gaps in Brazilian museum art collections, specifically related to digital arts, by presenting possibilities for preserving these works. Thus, we offer an insight into the digital transformation of the Brazilian museological landscape, indicating museum practices and curatorial methods that can meet digital demands. In this sense, the project focused on the need to integrate digital arts into the local contemporary art scene, promoting reflections on obsolescence, conservation, access, diversity, and inequality in the digital context. Therefore, the "ARTEMÍDIAMUSEU" project examined the role of digital arts in the contemporary Brazilian art system, noting the necessity of organically integrating them into the local art field through conceptual and aesthetic criteria for their understanding and appreciation.
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