Ethics Code
Duties and responsibilities of editors
The issue editors as well as the editors-in-chief are responsible for all the content published in the journal Revista de Comunicação e Linguagens.
Their code of conduct recommends that they:
- Strive to meet the needs of readers and authors;
- Ensure the quality of the material they publish;
- Uphold freedom of expression;
- Be alert to and condemn conducts of falsification of data and results;
- Encourage authors to disclose the use of Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies when it is the case to promote transparency and trust between all parties;
- Inform that Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies should not be indicated as authors or co-authors. Authorship implies responsibilities that can only be assigned by human beings;
- Condemn all forms of plagiarism;
- Pay attention to the originality of published texts so that they do not publish texts that authors have already published, either in whole or in part, in other publications;
- Never use Generative AI or AI-assisted technologies to automatise the reviewing process, which implies a critical analysis by a human peer;
- Condemn false statements concerning the curriculum;
- Always be available to publish corrections, clarifications and apologies when necessary;
- Issue editors may not publish their own articles in their issue. They must only sign the introduction presenting the topic and the issue.
Relationship with the readers
Readers must be informed about the funding of the research that led to the article and about the role of the funders in that research.
Relationship with authors
Editors undertake to make every effort to ensure the quality of the material they publish.
The editors’ decision to publish or reject an article submitted for publication will be based solely on its relevance, originality and clarity and will not be based on criteria of a personal or different nature.
Editors ensure that the description of the peer review process is clear and public. It is the responsibility of the editors to provide a justification for any deviation from this process.
The relationship with authors is based on mutual trust and on the assumption that the information provided by the authors is true, including, among other information, the one provided with regard to their curriculum, the original nature and the authorship of the submitted texts. Any deviation from this ethical rule constitutes a ground for refusal of the article by the editors.
The journal provides a mechanism for authors and readers to submit complaints. For that purpose, please use ICNOVA’s email:
Editorial Decisions
Editors undertake to publicize and apply in their own decision-making the guidelines laid down in the Journal Policies and the Author Guidelines, as well as ensure that the information contained therein is updated.
Editors undertake not to revert any of their decisions to accept a submission unless serious problems are detected in that submission.
Editors in office must not revert the decisions to publish of previous editors unless serious problems are detected in the submission.
Relationship with the Reviewers
Editors must publish guidelines for reviewers covering all that is expected of them. This guidance must be up to date at all times.
Editors ensure that there is a system in place to protect the identity of reviewers and authors.
Copyright Statement
The texts published in RCL are under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Every effort has been made to identify and credit the holders of rights over the published images. If you hold rights over any of these images and were not correctly identified, please contact RCL and we will publish a correction in one of our upcoming issues.
Privacy Policy
The names and addresses provided in this journal may only be used for the purposes of the services rendered by the journal, and they may not be made available for other purposes nor to third parties.
These norms were reviewed in 2025-02-03