Contemporary culture and digital transition


  • Maria Teresa Cruz NOVA University of Lisbon. NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities ICNOVA — NOVA Institute of Communication, Portugal
  • Philipp Teuchmann NOVA University of Lisbon. NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities ICNOVA — NOVA Institute of Communication, Portugal



digital transformation, media ecology, epistemology and cognition, post-media arts and aesthetics


It is increasingly evident that one of the most important tasks of the 21st century will be to address the widespread and accelerated transformation of culture triggered by digital technologies and infrastructures. Due to the rapid universalisation and planetarization of cybernetics, it is imperative that this question is not addressed only when its full consequences are already in plain sight. Politics, epistemologies, ecologies, and ontologies have to be questioned and shaped in the effort – and hope – that thought is still able to produce different, alternative, or critical cosmologies. The introduction to the 60th issue of the Journal of Communication and Languages returns to the notion of “digital transition” to outline this critical framework and contribute to today’s question concerning technology.

Author Biographies

Maria Teresa Cruz, NOVA University of Lisbon. NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities ICNOVA — NOVA Institute of Communication, Portugal

Maria Teresa Cruz has a PhD in Communication and Arts and is an associate professor at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at Universidade Nova de Lisboa (FCSH - UNL), in the areas of Contemporary Culture and Technology, Media Aesthetics and Image Theory. She coordinates the Group of Culture, Mediation and Arts at the UNL Communication Institute (ICNOVA), founded and directed the Interact Magazine - Art, Culture and Technology, and has directed several projects in the field of culture, arts and heritage, with an emphasis on digital media and participatory practices. She is the author of Aesthetic Modernity (2020); Media Theory and Cultural Technologies (Org., 2017); New Media - New Practices (Org., 2011).

Philipp Teuchmann, NOVA University of Lisbon. NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities ICNOVA — NOVA Institute of Communication, Portugal

Philipp Teuchmann. PhD student in Communication Sciences - Contemporary Culture and New Technologies – at Nova University of Lisbon (FCSH). In 2021, he completed his master’s degree where he mainly addressed how the diagram emerges as a central figure in the context of various contemporary artistic practices. He participated in various projects and was part of the organisation team of the Arts and Humanities in Digital Transition (6-7 July 2023, CCB. Lisbon) international conference. He is currently writing a PhD thesis on the relationship between the notion of operativity and that of the – contemporary – image, for which he has attained an FCT PhD Studentship (2022.11230.BD). His areas of interest are media theory, philosophy of technology, contemporary art and cultural studies.


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How to Cite

Cruz, M. T., & Teuchmann, P. (2025). Contemporary culture and digital transition. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (60-61), 8–15.