Data-Driven urban representations: Systems thinking as an operational challenge for a deep reading of contemporary cities




Urban representation, data visualisation, system thinking, digital media, architectural research


Contemporary urban conditions, where different agencies are associated through various spatial confrontations, are redefined as a system with all its components; socioeconomic, biological, geographical, ecological, and experiential. Incorporating these coexistences in the definition of urban conditions necessitates a multi-focal rendering of the associations and a speculative practice of a new methodological approach.

This article considers the use of data-driven urban representations for achieving a ‘systems thinking’ approach as a new methodology to research the pluralities, contradictions, degradations, and climatic challenges of contemporary cities. In this respect, experienced data avalanche and interaction with the large scale of bytes used for data-driven practices can be considered as a challenging transformation that proposes deep readings of cities and hence can be used in practising a ‘systems thinking’ approach. Mapping the information and producing data-driven urban representations can be considered as a challenge in defining the systems thinking approach and responding to the transformations, definitions and conditions of contemporary cities. This new method of engagement with data-driven practices cultivates an architectural transformation by sourcing, inspiring, and informing the architectural design processes for understanding the notion of resilient cities. The article speculates on the potential of systems thinking initiated by data visualizations in producing deep readings of contemporary cities and its use as a methodological approach in architectural design education. Massive amounts of data collected, studied, and represented at different scales expose the city’s visible and invisible features and enable alternative readings and representations of the city. Various data sets translated into different forms of mapping strategies are believed to unfold a series of discussions on the capacities of the city to reinvent itself constantly, correlate innovation at many scales, and therefore, bring out alternative frameworks for urban innovability in the digital transition era.

Author Biographies

A.Derin İnan, TED University, Department of Architecture & Design, Ankara, Turkey

Derin İnan is an architect who graduated from Yıldız Technical University, İstanbul, and received her MA at METU, Ankara in 2001. In the same year, she was accepted into the PhD programme in Histories and Theories of Architecture at the AA, Architectural Association, London, where she had a chance to work with Marina Lathouri and Mark Cousins. In 2009 she completed her doctoral research, “From Cartography to Master-Planning: The Ankara Plan as Index of Urban Discourses in Turkey”, focusing on the relations of architecture and urban planning through architectural drawings and representation techniques. She taught classes between the years 2005-2006 in the Department of Architecture at the Anadolu University, Eskişehir. Since 2006 she has been working as a part-time instructor in the 1st year design studio at METU, Ankara. Between the years 2005-2008, she worked as an editor at the publications and exhibitions department of the Chamber of Architects. She also worked as a researcher and a coordinator of the Commemoration Programme, a research project conducted by the Chamber of Architects, between 2006-2014. 
Her main research interests are architectural theory, basic design and architectural representations and design education.

Başak Uçar, TED University, Department of Architecture & Design, Ankara, Turkey

Başak Uçar graduated from the Middle East Technical University (METU) with a B.Arch degree in Architecture in 2003. She received an M.Arch degree from the same department with the thesis “An Assessment of the Architectural Representation Process within the Computational Design Environment”. She worked as a research assistant at the METU, Department of Architecture, from 2006 to 2011. She worked as a visiting researcher at TU Delft, Department of Architecture (Netherlands) for two semesters to conduct the research project “Ambient Intelligence in Architecture _Experiencing Responsive Systems” (supported by the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey_TÜBİTAK for 6 months). She received her PhD degree in 2011 from the METU, Department of Architecture with the thesis “An Inquiry into the Ontology of Responsiveness: Assessing Embodiment and Human-Machine Interaction in Responsive Environments”.  
Uçar continues her research on the interaction between computational design, architectural design, and representation processes, as well as the links between the body, the human-machine interaction and the condition of embodiment in the context of responsive environments. 


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How to Cite

İnan, A., & Uçar, B. (2024). Data-Driven urban representations: Systems thinking as an operational challenge for a deep reading of contemporary cities. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (60-61), 46–64.