AI heritage avatars
language foreverism, cultural heritage, AI technology, ancestors’ avatarsAbstract
The relationship between humans and their past, including their ancestors and cultural icons, shapes our collective memory and cultural identity. However, the emergence of AI avatars raises questions about how these connections to the past are evolving. This shift is in the first place exemplified by a mother in South Korea who used VR technology to interact with an avatar of her deceased daughter. Then this paper heeds the Luther Avatar presented in 2023 by the protestant church of Rheinland on the reformation day 31st of October. This unprecedented experience of heritage and cultural figures that as Avatars interact with us via AI technology raises complex questions about the intersection of technology, memory, and culture. The use of AI heritage avatars to connect with the deceased and our heritage figures presents both opportunities and dilemmas in how we deal of broad presence (Gumbrecht) and the relation to foreverism (Tanner) as well as the relation of language and immortality (Gil). The potential of AI avatars to change our relationship to history, temporality, mediation, testimony, collective memory, and social and religious identity is vast and warrants careful, but foremost critical explorations. This is only a preliminary start into the media philosophy of AI He
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