Polychrome wood sculptures in Auvergne, an ever-evolving corpus: state of the research and report of technical analysis
Auvergne, Sculpture, Carving, Painting technique, ModelsAbstract
In France, the Auvergne region has preserved an impressive number of polychrome wood sculptures. For those interpreted as dated between the 11th and 13th centuries, there are about 20 figures of the Crucifix, over 60 groups of the Virgin and Child in Majesty, and rarer saint figures, not including wooden sculptures sheeved in metal. While key prototypes held in museum collections have acquired a certain prestige, a whole corpus displayed in regional churches remains unknown to the public, little examined on a technical level. Since 2010, following a noticable shift of interest for these sculptures, the DRAC Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes has undertaken to define a corpus, and to direct a technical study of select sculptures. As cult figures, these objects have experienced continuous changes over centuries. The study proposes to contextualize the sculptures in their original church environment. The in-depth examination of a group of monumental crucifixes showing remarkable similarities of materials and techniques, asks for a re-evaluation of the working methods of early medieval sculptors and painters, with the possible use of models. The examination of groups of the Virgin and Child echoes this possibility of a standardized production, although noted differences between the sculptures put in question the concept of serial production.
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Complementary bibliography about copies in medieval sculpture
BERTRAND, Sylvaine – “Trois Vierges à l’Enfant du 15e siècle aux environs de Beaune. Leur type, leur style et leur place dans la production bourguignonne du XVe siècle”. Centre bois d’études historiques 76 (1996), pp. 11-22.
GABORIT, Jean-René – “Le problème de la copie dans la sculpture médiévale”. Tables de travail. Séminaire de recherche sur la conservation-restauration, [accessed 2 April 2019].Available at http://tablesdetravail.hypotheses.org/108.
LAPAIRE, Claude – “Une statue bourguignonne de saint Thibaut et l’usage des modèles, répliques et réductions dans les ateliers de sculpture du XVe siècle”. Genava 31 (1983), pp. 27-33.
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