Is Delulu the New Trululu? Artificial Intelligence Hallucinations as Input in the Creative Process




creativity, creativity studies, computational creativity, artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence hallucinations


From Gods to mere mortals, creativity has been studied throughout the last decades as an intrinsic human capability of bringing something into existence. When computers are added to the equation, discussion arises. Numerous authors have defended the inexistence of computational creativity. However, if we consider the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and focus on the cases of hallucinations in artistic creation, can AI hallucinations constitute a creative input into the creative process alongside a human agent? The present work proposes a literature review to understand what creativity means, if the phenomena of hallucinations can be considered creative by themselves and if they can serve the creative process. Here, it is shown that AI hallucinations can be creative and can be an input in the process of artistic creation under the artist’s appreciation. This paper offers another point of view in favour of computational creativity, that aims to contribute to a fruitful interaction between artists and AI.

Author Biography

João G. Patrício, ICNOVA — NOVA Institute of Communication, Portugal NOVA University Lisbon, School of Social Sciences and Humanities

João G. Patrício is a researcher currently pursuing a PhD in Digital Media at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, focusing on the intersection of fashion design, generative artificial intelligence, and creativity studies. He holds a Master’s in Digital Marketing from Universidad de Salamanca and IME Business School, and a Master’s in Communication, Culture, and Information Technology from ISCTE. With professional expertise in SEO and Creative Industries, he explores the evolving relationship between technology and media. João has authored works on SEO and Semantic Web in the context of online journalism and served as an invited professor at Universidad de Salamanca.


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How to Cite

Patrício, J. G. (2024). Is Delulu the New Trululu? Artificial Intelligence Hallucinations as Input in the Creative Process. Revista De Comunicação E Linguagens, (60), 226–245.