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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission is original and unpublished and is not being reviewed/evaluated nor considered for publication in another journal or in any type of work.
  • The text (article, book reviews, interview or visual essays) complies with the length, formatting and referencing style requirements laid down in the Journal Policies and Author Guidelines.
  • Two files with the text have been submitted. To ensure a blind peer review, a fully anonymous file was submitted. A second file with the authors’ identity and a Biographical Note must also be submitted.
  • All the authors that participated in the text are properly identified in the second file and have been inserted into the OJS platform.
  • All the images used are properly identified regarding copyright and property rights, and the authors have taken all the necessary steps to respect those rights.
  • The files for submission are in Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, or RTF format and do not exceed 2MB
  • Images, tables and diagrams are included in the text, with their respective captions and copyright information.
  • When sending your submission, make sure that all hyperlinks are active and working.

Author Guidelines

Articles: must be between 6,000 and 8,000 words (excluding notes and final bibliography). Abstracts must be no more than 300 words and include five keywords. 

Visual essays: may have a maximum of 12 pages and 500 words. They may or may not include an abstract with 300 words or less and 5 keywords.

Up to 12 pages, the essay may be entirely visual or combine images and text. In the latter case, the text must not exceed 500 words. It may, additionally, include an abstract of no more than 300 words and 5 keywords, in which case it must comply with the rules laid down for abstracts. If an abstract is included, it should help to understand the essay and its relevance to the theme. This is particularly important in the case of essays that only use images. The visual element must be an integral part of the argument or the ideas being expressed rather than serve as an example or illustration. In visual essays, particular attention should be paid to the page layout for the images/texts. Submissions must include a PDF file with a suggested page layout for 17×24.5cm 300 ppi. When admitted for publication, the original images must be sent separately.

Reviews: must be between 800 and 2,000 words and include references.
Critical reviews of books and reports of international conferences on all the fields described in Aims and Scope will be accepted. Only unpublished texts will be accepted, and such texts may not be submitted to other journals while the submission process at RCL is ongoing.



  1. All articles must have an abstract and a title in English and Portuguese. When the original language is Castilian or French, the abstract and the title must also be included in that language (title and abstract in the original language, with a translation into Portuguese and English).
  2. All articles, visual essays, interviews and reviews must have an abstract and a title in English and Portuguese. When the original language is Castilian or French, the abstract and the title must also be included in those languages (title and abstract in the original language, with a translation into Portuguese and English).
  3. All manuscripts that are not written in the native language of their authors must present a proofread certificate.This certificate is required once the manuscript has been accepted.


Formatting of the text:

Title in the language of the article and in English (and in Portuguese, when the language of the article is different).
Abstract with no more than 300 words, Arial, 12-point font.
First-paragraph indent: 1.25cm.


Title in the original language: Arial, 24-point font, centred, bold
Title in English/Portuguese depending on the original language: Arial, 18-point font
Headings and subheadings in the body of the text: Arial, 12-point font, bold
Body text: Arial, 12-point font, 1.5 spacing, justified
Block quotations: Arial, 11-point font, single spacing, first paragraph with one more indent than the body of the text.
Image captions: Arial, 10-point font, single spacing
Footnotes: Arial, 9-point font, single spacing, justified alignment
References: Arial, 10-point font, single spacing
Biography and CV: Arial, 10-point font, single spacing

In the paragraph immediately following the title there is no indent.

References and Citations

References must follow the Autor-Date system that you can check in The Chicago Manual of Style (shortened references enclosed in parentheses in the text + full bibliography at the end of the article).

Quotations: Use double quotes “…” For quotations inside quotations, use single quotes ‘…’ Quotations longer than 3 lines must be set off from the body of the text by a paragraph and with an additional indent.

Below are some examples:

- Reference in the body of the text:

Single author, with page number: (Pavis 2017, 5)
Two authors, with page number: (Haesbert and Bruce 2012, 23)

Do not repeat the author’s name when it appears in the text: “It is in that sense that Haesbert and Bruce (2012, 15) state in brief that ‘to think is to deterritorialize.’”

- References at the end of the article:

Book: Author(s). Year. Title of the book. Place of publication: Publisher.
Article: Author(s). Year. “Title of the article”. Title of the journal (italics) volume, issue (month): page range. DOI or URL.
Webpage: Author(s). Year. “Title of the page”. URL.

References to audiovisual works:

The citation of audiovisual works and excerpts, either in the body of the text or in a “Filmography” at the end of the article must follow the rules of the British Universities Film & Video Council.

That is:
Title in italics. Name of the director without inverting the name and surname. Producer, country, year, length in minutes.

(E.g.: In the Mouth of Madness. Dir. John Carpenter. New Line Cinema, United States, 1994. 95 mins.

Images and formatting of the captions:

Each text may contain as many images as the author deems appropriate, which must be inserted throughout the text rather than at the end. All images must contain a caption with the format “Image 1: content of the caption | © copyright information". This information must be written using Arial, 10-point font, single spacing.
No images will be published without a caption or without copyright information. It is the authors’ responsibility to ensure that the images are copyright-free or that the necessary rights have been secured.

Formatting of the References section:

- Separate with a page break, after the end of the text of the article.
- Title of the section in Arial, bold, 14-point font, centred;
- Double spacing between each reference;
- Single spacing for each reference;
- Text of the references in 10-point Arial;
- Line breaks in the same reference must be aligned, E.g.:

  This is a bibliographic reference
  This is the second line of the bibliographic reference

Formatting of the Biographical Note:

A brief biographical text with complete information on the affiliation of all the authors, including the name of the institutions.
Complete institutional address (Street, postal code, city and Country) and the email addresses of all the authors, as well as links to ORCID and Ciência Vitae (if any).
Indication of funding:  Identification of the funding institution in full and a reference to the scholarship/funding.


All the citation and formatting rules described here  must be complied with.
Articles with incomplete or incorrectly formatted references will not be accepted.


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